Controller Malia M. Cohen: California State Controller's Office

CPA Detail

CPA Information

CPA Name: RBC and Co.
Contact Person: Rustico B. Cabilin, CPA
Mailing Address: 612 E. 226th Pl
Carson, CA 90745
Phone: (310) 619-1359

CPA Statistics

Audit Report Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023
Total Audit Reports Submitted 0 0 0
Audit Reports Initially Accepted 0 0 0
Audit Reports Initially Rejected 0 0 0
Delinquent Audit Reports * 0 0 0

* An audit report is considered delinquent if it is not received by SCO by the Dec. 15 expected date or approved extension date.

Quality Control Review (QCR) Reports for this CPA

There are no QCR reports available for this CPA.

Check the firm's current status with the California Board of Accountancy